- Home
- Trees, Weeds, Grasses
- Allergena Zone 3
Product Description
- Up to 73 tree, weed, and grass extracts
- Sublingual administration
- Available in two sizes
- Excellent form of immunotherapy
- Great protection for Zone 3
How does Allergena work?

The immune system defends us against disease. When harmful substances are detected, such as pollens, the immune system creates antibodies, which destroy or neutralize allergens (i.e. pollens, dust and/or mold) that cause us to have allergic reactions. However, sometimes even our immune system is not strong enough to defend against these allergens. Allergena is a Homeopathic Sublingual Immunotherapy that reduces the body's negative reaction to allergens. Our homeopathic allergy drops build immunity by exposing your body in micro doses to whatever it is that you are allergic to. This way, the body becomes safely conditioned to tolerate the allergens that previously brought on allergic reactions, and ultimately reduce allergic symptoms. Below are a few definitions to give you a better idea of how Allergena works:
- Arizona Ash
- Green Ash
- White Ash
- Paper Birch
- Red Birch
- River Birch
- Sweet Birch
- White Birch
- Yellow Birch
- Mountain Cedar
- Red Cedar
- Common Cottonwood
- Eastern Cottonwood
- American Elm
- Chinese Elm
- Bitternut Hickory
- Pignut Hickory
- Shagbark Hickory
- Shellbark Hickory
- White Hickory
- Hard Maple
- Red Maple
- Silver Maple
- Soft Maple
- Sugar Maple
- Paper Mulberry
- Red Mulberry
- White Mulberry
- Black Oak
- Blackjack Oak
- Bur Oak
- Pin Oak
- Post Oak
- Red Oak
- White Oak
- Austrian Pine
- Red Pine
- Sootch Pine
- Shortleaf Pine
- White Pine
- Lombardy Poplar
- White Poplar
- Quaking Aspen
- American Beech
- Box Elder
- Hackberry
- Pecan
- Privet
- Sweetgum
- Sycamore
- Tree-of-Heaven
- Black Walnut
- Black Willow
- Bitter Dock
- Sour Dock
- Tall Dock
- White Dock
- Yellow Dock
- Burweed Marsh Elder
- Rough Marsh Elder
- True Marsh Elder
- Common Mugwort
- Dark-Leaved Mugwort
- Spiny Pigweed
- Rough Pigweed
- Redroot Pigweed
- Giant Ragweed
- Short Ragweed
- Southern Ragweed
- West Ragweed
- Giant West Ragweed
- Dragon Sage
- Carpet Sage
- Common Sage
- Green Sage
- Pasture Sage
- Praire Sage
- Annual Wormwood
- Biennial Wormwood
- Common Wormwood
- Sagewort Wormwood
- Broomweed
- Carelessweed
- Cocklebur
- Goldenrod
- Indian Hair Tonic
- Jerusalem Oak
- Lamb's Quarter
- Mexican Tea
- Nettle
- Palmer's Amaranth
- English Plantain
- Sheep Sorrel
- Western Waterhemp
- Annual Bluegrass
- Canadian Bluegrass
- June Bluegrass
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Hungarian Brome
- Smooth Brome
- Corn
- Cultivated Corn
- June Grass
- Western June Grass
- Alkali Rye
- Cutlivated Rye
- Giant Wild Rye
- Italian Rye Grass
- Perennial Rye Grass
- Bermuda Grass
- Reed Canary Grass
- Creeping Bent
- Meadow Fescue
- Johnson Grass
- Cultivated Oats
- Orchard Grass
- Quack Grass
- Redtop
- Sudan Grass
- Sorghum
- Timothy
- Velvetgrass
- Cultivated Wheat
- Western Wheatgrass
Baptisia tinctoria, Hydrastis canadensis, Myrrha, Nasturtium aquaticum, Phytolacca decandra, Trigonella foenum-graecum
Why are drainage remedies included?
Our specific herbal remedies enhance drainage of foreign particles which accumulate in the lymph system.
Herbal Drainage Remedies 3X: Baptisia tinctoria HPUS, Hydrastis canadensis HPUS, Myrrha HPUS, Nasturtium aquaticum HPUS, Phytolacca decandra HPUS, Trigonella foenum-graecum; Echinacea 3X HPUS.
Purpose: Relief from Sneezing, Runny Nose, Itchy Eyes and Sinus Congestion.*
• Keep out of reach of children. In case of overdose, get medical help or contact a Poison Control Center right away.
*Results are not guaranteed and may vary*
**Standard antigen mix used in this product is cross-reactive with Zone 3 tree, weed and grass allergens.
Results are not guaranteed and may vary
Product Reviews
Previous | Showing reviews 11-20 of 35 | Next
My allergina
Posted by Edie Kagy on Jul 18th 2022
I love this stuff it works .I tell all my friends about it 6 out of 10 are buying it now .my ears use to hurt so bad .then I tried allergena for my zone .my ears stop hurting .that just one reason .
great alternative
Posted by W Fischer on Jun 27th 2022
Just moved to another state and my allergies just totally off the charts. Had some of my zone 6 allergens and it keep sloth of the allergies at bay but still had to take my regular over the counter script. When I got my zone 3 and started taking it I felt tons better. I am so sold on this natural alternative to drugs. wouldn't be without it and bought an extra bottle to give to a friend.
Need allergy relief.
Posted by Penny Wessenauer on Jan 25th 2022
We recently moved from Arizona, where I had been using Allergena Zone 5 for many years, to great effect. With our recent move to Westerville Ohio, I was hoping to find Allergena, Zone 3 locally. Apparently it is being sold at Fresh Thyme Markets, but unfortunately the clerks had not heard of the product. However, having internet access makes shopping a breeze. I recently purchased my second bottle of the product, and will be back for more when this one runs out.
Thank you Allergena for making my life better! -
Posted by Rocky Brueseke on May 21st 2021
This is my worst spring in 15 years. This works so well. 3 doses the first day made a huge difference. Then 2 x day. In one week down to 1xDay. I got it for my grandson and son-in-law also.
Made teeth gums hurt
Posted by Lori Adkins on Apr 22nd 2021
Dont feel any better yet with the allergies but I have noticed that my gums are not really sore and I've got great dental hygiene. Not worth the discomfort to me.
Best non pharm product
Posted by Mike Pezo on Dec 22nd 2020
Very pleased with the product as an alternative to more pharm meds. Does an excellent job controlling my allergies Spring through Fall. I do need to supplement in the winter months though which is why I gave it 4 stars. Will be on it 3 times daily when the warm weather returns.
My allergies
Posted by Edieb Kagy on Dec 11th 2020
A friend told me about it. Because my ears was hurting all the time I've tried all kinds of ear remedies nothing work ;she told me about it I tried it best thing I ever did. No more earaches. I been telling all my family / friends/ coworkers about it. It's awesome it's help me so. Much enjoy life thank you.
I give as "GIFTS" !
Posted by William Miller on Dec 7th 2020
Its amazing how many people I tell about allergena zone 3. You can lead a horse to water but you cant make them drink ! One if my best friends always complained about spring and the coming out of the oak trees. Just made him miserable " and he'd tried everything !" I told him of allergena many times but like most they wouldn't step up and purchase themselves, so I had an extra bottle at the beginning of spring 3 years ago, so I GAVE HIM THE BOTTLE AS A GIFT ! He couldn't believe it! Instead of being miserable.... he forgot all about not having oak tree symptoms until I asked !
He's a regular customer now. Good luck at telling your friends what to do....
P.s. have a stuffy nose....maybe a tickle and cough? Get Fishermans Friends (original) throat lozenges stuffy nose gone in 20 seconds. No more tickle or cough either -
Outstanding Product
Posted by Kitty on Sep 15th 2020
I first came across Allergena on a trip to Florida. It worked almost instantly for my symptoms. So I decided to try it here in Wisconsin. Same great results. Bought a bottle for my trip to Hawaii' and used it there.
What a relief!
Posted by sonya on Jul 10th 2020
This is the best allergy stuff i've ever used - enabled me to get off prescription allergy treatment. It worked in NM and now that i live in MN, bought it for this region and works wonderfully here, as well.