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3 Reasons That Dealing With Pet Allergies is Totally Worth It

Posted by Allergena on

Dealing with pet allergies can be incredibly difficult, but it’s our experience that the pros of owning a pet always outweigh the cons. We’ve heard countless stories on this very subject. Sometimes people adopt a dog, having had no prior symptoms--when out of the blue they feel sneezy and their eyes start to get itchy.

If you’re a dog lover, however, dealing with allergies can often be worth it. We certainly won’t speak for everyone out there, but in many instances, when faced with the choice of owning a pet or not owning a pet, many will choose to have a dog and live with the allergies. If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place. Pet dander can be difficult to live with, but if you are seeking treatment for dog allergies, Allergena is for you.

Why Choose Pet Allergy Relief?

Your Pooch Always Greets You With a Kiss

You leave in the morning and before you walk out the door you have to see your pup’s sad eyes because she knows you’re going to be gone for awhile. It’s a sight that leaves many dog owners feeling guilty as they head for work every day. When you come home at night, it’s a different story altogether.

Your pup bounds for the door with her tail wagging in an effort go greet her human. There’s really nothing better than coming home to a dog who loves you and for many dog owners who suffer from pet allergies, seeing your dog at the end of a long day makes the struggle worth it.

He’s There to Keep Your Feet Warm

When you settle in for an evening on the couch, Fido is often right there beside you. Or, to be more specific, he’s curled up in a little nest at your feet. Your dog just wants to be near you and you want to be near him. It’s the most natural thing in the world!

Perhaps your pooch is lucky enough to get to sleep in your bed. Although you might deal with allergies from time to time, you still let him up there with you because it sure cuts down on the heating bills in the winter when your dog is there to keep you nice and warm!

You’ll End Up Healthier Overall

There have been countless studies about the benefits of owning a dog. You’ll find report after report about dogs helping people to live longer. A study done by NBC News even states that a pet owner’s blood pressure can drop “by approximately 10 percent about 15 to 30 minutes after they began petting the animal.” What that means is that dogs are good for your heart! Had a tough day at the office? Pet your dog and enjoy lowered blood pressure and a reduction in anxiety.

Additionally, Web MD notes that “heart attack patients who have pets survive longer than those without, according to several studies” and that “a growing number of studies have suggested that kids growing up in a home with [dogs] will have less risk of allergies and asthma.” It doesn’t get much better than that.

Treatment for Dog Allergies That You Can Count On

The reviews are in. If you are looking for severe allergy relief, Allergena could make a huge difference in how you live together with your pet. Get all of the benefits we mentioned above without having to deal with sneezing or itchiness. It doesn’t get much better than that!

Allergy relief from cats and dogs is just a click away. Order yours today and see for yourself what a difference Allergena can make.