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Combating The Coming Seasonal Allergies Symptoms
Regardless of where you are located in the United States, chances are your allergies are going to act up now that spring is almost here. While some people have such mild symptoms that they don’t really need to worry about how they’re going to make it through the season, there are others who can’t seem [...]
It’s Never Too Early To Talk About Spring Allergies
In a couple of short months, it will warm again, and birds will be chirping joyously as you grill with your family in the backyard. Sure, spending all this time outside again will be nice, but you're not the only one waking up from an unproductive winter slumber. With the increasingly warm temperatures plants will [...]
Is It A Cold, Allergies Or The Flu?
Nobody likes being sick, but it's that time of year again. You know, the time of year that your once quiet office turns into a chorus of sniffles and coughs. The worst part is when you get sick, you often feel the cloud of sickness looming over your head for a couple weeks. But maybe [...]
Are You Seeking Alternative Allergy Solutions?
Dealing with allergies is no walk in the park. Ask anyone who suffers how their life changes during allergy season and you’ll be met with a wide variety of answers. The point is that it affects different people in different ways, but the one similarity is that it definitely affects them.As allergy sufferers ourselves, we [...]
3 Reasons That Dealing With Pet Allergies is Totally Worth It
Dealing with pet allergies can be incredibly difficult, but it’s our experience that the pros of owning a pet always outweigh the cons. We’ve heard countless stories on this very subject. Sometimes people adopt a dog, having had no prior symptoms--when out of the blue they feel sneezy and their eyes start to get itchy.If [...]
Is Your Pet Suffering From Seasonal Allergies This Year?
There are few people who cannot identify when they are experiencing symptoms of seasonal allergies. After all, the signs are pretty obviously, especially if you have had them before. However, the same cannot be said of people knowing when their pets are having the same ailment. That’s right, whether you can tell or not, your [...]
You’re Not Crazy! Adult-Onset Seasonal Allergies Exist
Lately, we have received a lot of emails asking us about something that seems to be occurring all over the United States. People have written into Allergena, inquiring about sudden symptoms of seasonal allergies that have never been a problem for them in their lives until now. People want to know if it is even [...]
7 Tips For Making Allergy Season Bearable
Well, spring has finally sprung and with its arrival will soon come the coughing, runny nose sneezing, itching eye, headaches and much more if you are a person who suffers from terrible seasonal allergies. As if internal symptoms were not enough, many times seasonal allergy symptoms show through your outward appearance as well, such as [...]
It’s Almost Allergy Season! You Need Allergena
Spring will be here in just a little under a month. For most people, this means looking forward to the end of things like having to layer to leave the house or wear clunky snow boots. For some of us, however, it means all we have to look forward to is sneezing, sniffling and runny [...]
Is Your Dog Suffering From Seasonal Allergies?
Many people suffer from allergies that are caused by pets like dogs and cats. While this is fairly common, there is a different type of pet allergy that you may not know anything about. These are, of course, the allergies your pet can suffer from. Dogs particularly exhibit signs of allergies quite frequently, making these [...]